Rich program of proposals for Christmas 2022 in the Valley of the Abbeys. It begins on December 8 at 17 with the opening of Santa's house at the Abbey of Santa Maria di Ronzano in the Municipality of Castel Castagna. Until the 26 December, the spaces in front of the abbey host educational and playful workshops for children.

The 10 December instead proposes two appointments. A Castellalto, pm 15, there is Santa playing, an afternoon to spend between games of the past and creative workshops, magic show and giant bubbles, Santa Claus with his magic mail, Face painting and many delicacies. It's Bubble Christmas to characterize the Christmas atmosphere of Cellino Attanasio in a path that winds through the historic center between games, flea markets, animations and shows also open on days 11, 16, 17 and 18 December.

Dal 17 December opens at Notaresco the Santa Claus Village. The event then continues with bagpipers and streebands 24 December and the gospel concert “On the road of the Christmas” on 26.

The 18 December the Pro Loco of Cermignano invites us to Waiting for Christmas, event enlivened by sounds and songs of bagpipers and entertainment for children.

The program of Penna Sant'Andrea alongside the Christmas workshops at the Castel Cerreto Reserve the event Val Vomano Xmas in the days 9 and 10 December with concerts and animations.
