La chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Maria La Nova, that already in 1330 became Provost and Arcipretura, probably had at that time a five-aisled, then reduced to three and then to two with the restructuring of the 1826.

3The facade, bounded at the top by a sloping roof and the sides by two pilasters, had previously finished in plaster but has recently been restored by proposing a new image finishing with a view of stone masonry.

Worthy of note are the elegant portal by Matteo De Caprio's 1424, which presents a mosaic in the lunette consists of 44 ceramic tiles depicting the Annunciation, and above a canopy made of a wheel of eight columns supporting arches in the center; the wheel is contained within an exhibition of carved acanthus leaves.

Of considerable interest, a funerary monument of Renaissance-style place in the choir, behind the main altar, dedicated to John the Baptist Acquaviva died just 14 years 1496